00:32 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:43 Tears For Fears... think back... ♫ blip.fm/~6l9oc.. tinyurl.com/ohteme #
05:43 Wt: 179, RHR: 50, BF: 18.1% #
07:55 Good morning! To start the day: Slumdog Price Is Right! tinyurl.com/qwhjqg #
07:59 Last night I introduced my son to "real" Star Trek: Where No Man Has Gone Before! It feels so different than the rest of the show, too. #
08:03 William Shatner w/Ben Folds & Joe Jackson, "Common People" ♫ blip.fm/~6odps #
08:16 William Shatner w/Henry Rollins, "I Can't Get Behind That" ♫ blip.fm/~6oerp #
08:25 Queen "Who Wants to Live Forever"" ♫ blip.fm/~6offz #
08:29 Getting tired of blips cutting out midway through! #
08:50 Steven Delopolous: "Young son! Gonna take you to Washington! Gonna be my number one!"" ♫ blip.fm/~6ohfq #
08:57 Burlap to Cashmere RIP, "Digee Dime" ♫ blip.fm/~6oi23 #
09:44 FINALLY Runner's World came in the mail. And look, a big page-size ad for Hydroxycut! #
10:11 Does anyone have any hiking/backpacking tweeps they can share with me? Most of mine are running-related and soon I'll be boring them. #
10:31 Time to change clothes, gonna run, woo! #
10:55 Instant message from mom: "Yesterday, my computer said it is polluted with over 700 trojan viruses. What now?" AAUGH! #
11:04 Great Pre article headline: "I'm running late. Wait, my phone already told you." #
11:16 RT @DarkUFO: Another New Promo of V featuring Elizabeth Mitchell bit.ly/a87V9 - WOO! #
11:27 Do I know my mom or what? "It was a thing that said to check for viruses and to install this accu check. I just closed the window." #
13:18 Ran 6.0 miles - m8.to/1og #
13:18 Ran 6.0 miles - m8.to/1oi #
13:25 For @alitherunner: Elvis Costello, "Pump It Up" ♫ blip.fm/~6p4ti #
13:37 Completed Regular Run. 778 (kcal) Distance 6.01 mi. Duration 00:58:35 #
15:36 RT @sacbee_news: Body found behind Rancho Cordova business tinyurl.com/ogekfv - OH MY GOD it was a dead body. I saw it while running! #
15:37 Seriously, at Fite Circle there were two cops, knelt down beside a bike that was on the ground and a guy sprawled out, calling on the radio #
15:54 The paper just updated that article, it wasn't the guy I saw. This guy was behind a dumpster, my guy was on the side of the road. #
16:38 Wednesday night, that means Los... AW CRAP!!! Now what do I do?!?!?!?! #
16:42 RE my sweat band: "What an amazing new smell you've discovered!" #
16:48 Off to see The Wizard. And by Wizard, I mean a bottle of a carbonated, greenish, highly addictive "drink" called Diet Dew. #
19:43 Uninstalling Internet Explorer 8. #
21:34 New Flickr upload: 5-20-2009 Splits: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: tinyurl.com/q42gw8 #
21:34 New post on my blog: 6-Mile Run: I ran 6 miles today!Yeah!I just had a great run is all. It .. tinyurl.com/qwczdj #
22:21 Nite everyone. #
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