The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Friday, February 05, 2010

Weight Training

Today's workout was a success, although I was bored the entire time. I'm not sure exactly why that is, but I was happy for it to be over. They also changed the sign on the building from World Gym to The Gym. I asked the owner about it, and all he said was, "Just went back to the old name."

Warmup, w/45lb barbell, 3 sets of 5
Overhead Barbell Squats
Barbell Squats
Good Mornings
Alternating Lunges
Romanian Deadlift

Barbell Bench Press, 3x25x60lbs
Seated Cable Rows, 3x25x105lbs
Squats, 3x25x85lbs
Dumbbell Military Press, 3x25x(2x15lbs)
Lunges, 3x25x(2x15lbs)
Front Raises, 3x25x(2x8lbs)
Plank, 2 minutes

43:39, 344 calories burned

Tomorrow's a rest day, but Sunday? Sunday's the Kaiser Half Marathon in Golden Gate Park! I'm starting to get excited about it, I think I'll be happy with 2:15 or even 2:20.

From Twitter 02-04-2010

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