- 03:03:47: New post on my blog: From Twitter 08-22-2010: 03:03:44: New post on my blog: From Twitter 08-21-2010: 03:04:13: Ne... http://bit.ly/aPTp05
- 14:37:46: Wt: 170, BF: 16.2% #myhealthstats #fb
- 16:28:51: Geez, MapMyRun is slow today
- 16:48:22: MapMyHike.com: Updated a workout named General Hike. 3,184 (kcal). 9.51 mi..
- 17:29:08: Does GPX-file loading on @dailymile still work? I've tried with Firefox, IE, and Chrome with no success. The GPX button doesn't work.
- 19:25:29: GAH... the iPhone 4 doesn't geotag if it's in airplane mode??? Why would it need cell service for GPS data? #fb
- 19:25:56: Now I'll have to tag all my photos. Sucks to be me!
- 19:59:41: OK, pics all geotagged, uploading now. *shakes head*
- 20:02:03: I swear, the way my legs feel right now I won't be running for a week. I'm going to try to trudge through running tomorrow though.
- 20:11:26: Another complaint, the iPhone doesn't auto-rotate images. That could be interpreted as a good thing, but tough for instant uploading.
- 20:26:58: Now that's more like it... here's a satellite map with my photos overlaid. Click the dots to see the pics: http://bit.ly/9LOjg8 #fb
- 20:30:43: Google Earth rendering of this weekend's backpacking trip to Mt. Shasta. I didn't summit this time due to time restr... http://bit.ly/ddSjAI
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