The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gym Day

Went to the gym today, and the HRM's caloric readout was strange at the end...

Warmup, w/45lb bar
* Overhead Squat
* Squat
* Good Morning
* Barbell Lunge
* Romanian Deadlift
* Bent-over Row

* Drop Squat, 3x20
* Underhand-grip Dumbell Row, 3x20x20lbs
* Reverse Hyperextension, 3x20
* Elbows-in Elevated Pushup, 2x20
* Side Bridge, 3x20 per side
* Side Lateral Raise & Rotation, 3x20x10lbs per side

30 minutes, 103 calories burned

2.5 mi treadmill run @ 7.5mph (8 min/mi), 20 minutes, 127 calories burned. This is where it gets strange. I should be burning about 100 calories per mile, and on my typical runs (including long runs), I burn about 125 calories per. Today according to the HRM I was burning about 60! So while I don't believe it, the numbera at the end is what I'm quoting.

Total calories burned: 227