The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weight Workout

Yesterday I wasn't able to run, so today I figured what the heck, I'll run today instead.

The wind thought otherwise. When I stepped out the door, not only was it windy, but the wind chill made it easily 10 degrees lower. So off to the gym I went!

Warmup, 30 secs each, 3 sets
* Jumping Jacks
* Split Jacks
* Squats
* Lunges
* Mountain Climbers

* High Step-Up, 3x10x70lbs (2 35lb dumbbells)
* Romanian Deadlift, 3x10x85lbs
* Offset Incline DB Curl, 3x10x15lbs
* Incline Lower Trap Raise, 3x10x15lbs

42 minutes, 283 calories burned

But then as I stepped outside afterwards, it was downright WARM outside. And I could have run! I drove back over the freeway and stopped off for a drink. On this side, the wind was still as strong, and the wind was still chilly.

It made for a strange afternoon.

At least I was able to go. Lately work has been so hectic and stressful that getting away to work out or run has taken quite a bit of effort. Tomorrow's supposed to be a run, but I'm not enitrely sure I'll be able to. I'll have to sneak away...

Early Christmas Present

Hello, everyone. Due to being extremely busy, I wasn't able to run yesterday (boooo!). I was, however, able to upload something for everyone.

If you recall the blog entry from December 1, 2008, I was part of the choir for Handel's Messiah on November 30.

With it being the 70th anniversary of performing Messiah in my area and all, it was videotaped.

So here's your early Christmas present: the 70th Anniversary Handel's Messiah from Yuba City, CA. Due to it's length (an hour and a half), I uploaded it to Google Video rather than Youtube. My apologies for the quality, Google Video degraded it a LOT. I'd split it up into 10-minute segments, but I wouldn't be done until after Christmas. I'm in the bass section, in the upper-left portion of the choir.

Feel free to share it with everyone interested.

Today's Tweets

05:30 Wt: 164.2, RHR: 53 #

05:48 I swear, protein days work like magic. 3lbs down from yesterday. #

06:42 No friggin Diet Dew at AM/PM. Heading off to work in a tiff, listening to last 30 mins of Jillian Michaels. #

07:20 About to exit onto 50. Done w/Jillian's show. #

07:23 TBL S5 at home winner Bernie finished Chicago Marathon 4:15! #

07:26 TBL S5 contestants Bernie & Brittany also ran a half marathon last Saturday. #

10:09 An hour and 23 minutes conferenced between AT&T and the remote site, and STILL no Internet. #

11:12 Still on the conference with AT&T. 2 1/2 hours now. #

14:42 "Right click the desktop." "What's the desktop?" "Where your f**king icons are!" I wonder why he got mad? #

15:56 Finally have the remote site up and running. Limping along, mind you, but they can at least access our website. #

16:45 While I didn't run a marathon today, I had a marathon conference call. Does that count? #

16:46 Alright, I'm heading out. Off to get some Diet Dew, then drive home. I was Dew-deprived today, so it's about time. #

17:00 I'm tired of people complaining about how cold it is at 40 degrees. #

18:31 Whoopsie, forgot my son's Christmas Program! Luckily it's 5 minutes away. :) #

18:50 New Flickr upload: Gregory's Class: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: Gregory's class sings Rudo.. #

19:25 Gotta pee. #

19:42 I wonder if I could tweet & pee simultaneously? #

20:15 About to watch The Biggest Loser Finale. Vicky better not win. Ugh. #

20:22 Geez, Bernie lost more weight after the show ended last year. #

20:29 Whoops, Heba almost wiped out onstage, hehe. #

20:34 "Oh, please, please, pick my wife!" "Please, please, vote for me!" America votes for Ed. #

20:49 "You were on a reality show and you won 25 years of life." #

21:05 A few months ago it didn't seem like this year's numbers would be this big. #

21:12 Supposed to be 27 degrees tonight, I just let in the dog. The golden retriever who really isn't an inside dog. Oh, boy. #

21:20 neither/nor. Oops. #

21:32 "Fierce competitor that wouldn't let anything stand in her way?" #

21:33 Miss Piggy almost fell, whoops. #

21:37 Crap, I'm all caught up. Now I have to sit through commercials. #

21:40 $3M in Jello? #

21:41 Haw. "Guess what else is gonna hurt? MY FOOT IN YOUR ...!" #

21:52 Vicky: ahhhh, the irony. #

21:52 OK, Michelle, show us what you got. Time to be the 2nd female winner. #

21:54 Allison loves cutting to commercial too much. She revels in it. #

21:59 122 days at home, they finally said how long it was between their last weigh-in and tonight. BTW, their weigh-in was actually Saturday. #


22:00 Not only two women, two seasons in a row, but two black team female members two seasons in a row. #

22:21 Well, I lied. No stairclimber tonight. I'm going to bed. Nite all. #

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