06:12 Wt: 165.6, RHR: 58 #
07:37 Kathy Griffin is seeing Steve Wozniak??? #
07:58 At work at last, ready for the day. Sprints later today! #
10:07 Crap! I brought a mini Clif bar to eat before my run, but it seems to have vanished. #
10:12 How the heck does @ lancearmstrong ride fast and take pictures at the same time? twitpic.com/xyck #
13:33 Back from my run, btw. Sprint intervals, was supposed to be 7:22x6 and it was more like 6:45-7:00, hehe. Can't complain about that! #
13:33 Just don't ask me to run more than a minute at that pace! #
13:42 SportTracks users: Is there a way to combine workouts? My warmup is a separate workout, and I want it attached to the intervals & cooldown. #
14:44 Mapped 12/30/2008 Route 1 (1.12 mi.) #
14:46 Completed Warmup. 135 (kcal) Distance 1.12 mi. Duration 00:10:01 #
14:48 Mapped 12/30/2008 Route 2 (3.39 mi.) #
15:01 Completed Sprint Intervals. 346 (kcal) Distance 3.41 mi. Duration 00:31:26 #
17:04 New Flickr upload: 12-30-2008 Intervals: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: tinyurl.com/96tleh #
17:04 New post on my blog: Intervals - 4.5 miles: Today was the first run in my marathon training... tinyurl.com/7gw49s #
17:23 Time to head out. You know the drill. Diet Dew, although today I'm also swinging by Fleet Feet for a training log. Wheeeeee! #
17:43 Got my dew, but... FOG! #
20:04 @ greggrunberg is begging people to follow, he's offering a signed Heroes script for #10k, as well as an empty bottle of ranch dressing #
20:05 If you don't know someone, is it bad form NOT to follow them back if they just look icky? #
22:28 Nite all, sleep well, and dream of large women. #
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