- 03:07:17: New post on my blog: From Twitter 05-24-2010: 00:02:25: Oooooh, the news is interviewing some random blogger who's... http://bit.ly/bnD3wC
- 06:21:46: Wt: 176.2, RHR: 50, BF: 17.3% #myhealthstats #fb
- 10:40:25: Great headline: "Britain bans doctor who linked autism to vaccine (AP)". Doctor Who's been banned for linking vaccine to Autism???
- 13:57:33: RT @thechoirtweet: Burning Like The Midnight by The Choir is now available for pre-order. Please "join the choir" and share the news... ...
- 14:47:18: RT @DonGeronimoShow: !!!Starting Mon June 21st, the DonGeronimoShow, 12-4 (3-7 east) on KHTK/Sacramento. Calls, bits & streaming. CBSrad ...
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