The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Thursday, July 29, 2010

From Twitter 07-28-2010

  • 02:03:54: Did a elliptical workout for 30 mins and felt good. Listened to the rest of the Mike O'Meara Show while on the ellip...
  • 02:04:06: New blog entry:
  • 03:09:34: New post on my blog: From Twitter 07-27-2010: 03:02:12: New post on my blog: From Twitter 07-26-2010: 03:02:35: Ne...
  • 04:43:52: Wt: 174.2, RHR: 50, BF: 17.1% #myhealthstats #fb
  • 05:09:03: Circuit Traininng (@ Pro Fitness w/ @chefperrault)
  • 06:32:01: I'm at Arco AM/PM (886 Colusa Ave., Yuba City).
  • 08:49:15: I just got an August Calendar email from REI, and no gear sales. WHY, REI, WHY?!?! #fb
  • 10:24:44: Completed a workout named Treadmill Run. 107 (kcal). 1.00 mi.. 00:10:00
  • 10:25:53: Ran 1 mile in 10 mins and felt good. The trainer was late for circuit training this morning, so I ran a mile on the ...
  • 10:28:42: Completed a workout named Circuit Training. 238 (kcal). 00:25:00
  • 10:29:19: Did a weights workout for 25 mins and felt good. Trainer was late for circuit training, so I only got in 25 minutes'...
  • 12:24:38: RT @fark: Russell Crowe is no longer a sex symbol. Could place third in a Ricky Gervais look-a-like contest though.
  • 12:42:45: Ran 5.7mi in 56:43, 9:55/mi ave (9:07,9:06,9:14,9:50,12:28,9:41), 634 calories burned -
  • 12:45:35: Updated a workout named 2010/07/28 . 634 (kcal). 5.73 mi.. 00:56:43
  • 12:51:02: Ran 5.72 miles in 56 mins and felt good. Well, so long perfect runs. Apparently two in arow were too much to handle...
  • 14:08:43: Hey Canadians, help me out here...
  • 14:09:06: A guy at work was just in Canada fishing over the weekend, almost died due to diabetic shock, found out he's Type 1...
  • 14:09:31: They told him that he needs to get an American blood sugar monitor because the Canadian metric system is different than the US metric
  • 14:09:34: Wha?
  • 14:10:39: AHA! Wikipedia is my friend.
  • 14:11:25: "for measurements of blood cholesterol, the units are millimole per litre, whereas they are milligram per decilitre in the United States"
  • 14:11:52: So it's not so much the unit of measure as it is millimole vs. milligram.
  • 14:12:05: Well I suppose it is unit of measure... not so much metric vs. standard :)
  • 14:41:46: RT @runnrgrl: @gchance fuckin canadians.
  • 14:42:55: My wife just called, she's bailing on the gym tonight. I'm still going solo though, I've only burned 1000 calories today.
  • 15:45:54: It's official. I'm registered for CIM 2010. Training starts Monday. #cim @biscuiterie @jose_galvan @sam_mcmanus
  • 16:10:36: Looking at the Pink October 5k results from last year, the guy who teaches my circuit training class at the gym finished in 25:44
  • 16:10:49: I can smoke him. Got to.
  • 18:15:20: I'm at Pro Fitness (424 D Street, Marysville).
  • 20:35:57: I'm at Casa Carlos (413 6th Street, Marysville).
  • 22:11:33: New post on my blog: Today's Workouts: Circuit training this morning. Actually, the trainer overslept, so I ran a...
  • 22:13:29: Did a fitness workout for 1 hour and 16 mins and felt good. My wife was going to bail on the gym, but after I told h...

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