The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Friday, September 25, 2009

From Twitter 09-24-2009

  • 09:33:26: Tattoos you don't want to get... if you're a girl: or if you're a guy for that matter, sheesh
  • 09:58:25: Boss making fat jokes about me again. See, you'd think that would stop eventually, but nope.
  • 09:59:41: I just realized I'm not following @FairytaleTown! Or I wasn't. I am now.
  • 10:11:14: RT @levarburton: I hang my head in shame...!
  • 13:23:24: How can something be constantly polling a HD to where the system's slow, yet the CPU usage still shows low?
  • 14:13:52: ooh, flash forward is tonight. eeeeeexcellent
  • 16:32:26: RT @lambertman: I've sent a reminder email back to myself so many times that Yahoo!Mail thinks I'm spamming myself and puts it in the Trash.
  • 16:37:32: Boogers! Poopy diapers! My foot is on fire! Look! Puppies! Is this thing infected? @TriCenter
  • 16:38:58: RT @anarchivist: dramatic tweets.
  • 16:39:19: And now... I depart.
  • 20:28:17: Watching Flashforward.
  • 21:32:17: Completed Elliptical. 477 (kcal). 00:46:33
  • 22:01:58: Anna Torv in the bathtub.
  • 22:06:01: Time for bed. Goodnight all.

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