Did my 5 miles today, walking the last .2 back to work. In fact, I did some walking in Mile 5, which is why it was so much slower.
Mile 1: 8.53:96
Mile 2: 8:52.49
Mile 3: 9:24.63
Mile 4: 9:20.79
Mile 5: 11:48.11
5 miles, 48:19, 9:40/mi, 713 calories burned
I need to slow down earlier on, although the heat did have something to do with it that last mile. I'm mainly just happy to be running!
The Chances
How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got HealthyWednesday, August 05, 2009
From Twitter 08-04-2009
- 12:08:11: @karrock I'll get there though. I hope. And pray. :)
- 12:09:14: @karrock All my splits then were just over 8 minutes per mile. Crazy!
- 12:09:31: @kchealy thanks, how are you? haven't heard from you in a bit.
- 12:12:33: @orlerr I figured as much, I just wanted to be sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong.
- 12:23:49: @karrock Dude my calves are still sore from Saturday's hike, hehe
- 12:24:37: @HellaSound With that kind of warning, Rikki's gonna throw it away on purpose.
- 12:25:14: @runnrgrl I'll just have to purge after I back up at home this evening
- 12:25:47: I just realized, I don't have an apple for dessert. THE HUMANITY!
- 12:26:29: @ileff I miss lunches like that. :)
- 12:29:33: Love Hal Higdon, but dear God, someone bring his website into the 21st century.
- 12:30:26: @kchealy What's wrong with no coverage? Makes you enjoy vacation more.
- 12:36:11: @britishbulldog I wouldn't think he'd have it this long without two or 500 people making offers. I get the impression he focuses elsewhere
- 12:36:28: @britishbulldog Like on the pay forum and his facebook page
- 12:46:02: @PreThinking Mine's unlimited, but I suspect it's really "unlimited"
- 12:48:54: @TimBorb The tough-dancing pimp wins that one, but put up against "bouncy-shaky-nerd" in Beat It, nerd wins every time.
- 12:54:01: @MarathonMatters Yeah I'm running again, training started this week. Winemucca Lake is 9200', I wanted to hit Round Top Peak but couldn't
- 12:54:59: @MarathonMatters Nobody wanted to wait for 2 hours while those of us willing went up and back down!
- 13:00:12: @TimBorb Open the Beat It video in Youtube, shaky nerd is at 4:13
- 13:00:36: @britishbulldog Totally and completely horrible.
- 13:01:02: @TimBorb Make that 4:18
- 13:02:56: @alitherunner Give that one to @ironbrandon, he loves chia
- 13:22:04: @ironbrandon http://bit.ly/24BwAR
- 13:22:38: @TimBorb Ever watch the Eat It video? Weird Al got almost all the details right, and in the bedroom Dr. Demento's picture falls off thewall
- 13:24:46: @ironbrandon I dunno, it looks like it though hehe
- 13:29:57: WTH? This pr0n spammer just RT'ed @kchealy's response BACK to me for no apparent reason
- 13:31:26: RT @Oblivion: I heart this: http://bit.ly/3U5y6 - hah! I love it!
- 14:04:24: @winbear Bus spam. The worst.
- 15:16:52: @kelownagurl I like the lounging one, I'd crop around your head & device. It's obvious you're lounging.
- 15:26:59: @kelownagurl should be ok, it's not showing up on twitter yet tho
- 15:42:43: @kelownagurl I can now. It usually takes a few tweets for avatars to show up, at least on my end.
- 15:48:38: @262RUNR As opposed to naked?
- 15:53:12: @262RUNR I've never seen that.
- 16:31:30: @ruidh Like you're going to complain.
- 16:32:07: @precentral When I dial voicemail, it shows up with my mom's Facebook avatar. :)
- 16:32:36: @PastorGreg how did you find the info?
- 16:34:29: @dnorton Some doctors will also tell you running is bad for you.
- 16:34:59: @dnorton Besides, VFF isn't barefoot anyway.
- 16:44:35: @athletetraining I believe crystal light is aspartame
- 16:47:40: @athletetraining It's in the air whether aspartame will kill you. FDA's said no it won't, people swear up & down it will.
- 16:48:16: @athletetraining One website claims someone cleared up some major health issue. Jillian Michaels claims it stopped bad dreams. I swear.
- 16:48:38: @athletetraining Or excuse me, she claims she never dreamed and then when she got off aspartame she started dreaming
- 16:48:54: @athletetraining Which is stupid, since I consume extremely large amounts of it, and always dream.
- 17:01:07: @blackfonzie Honestly with everything out there I don't know who to believe. So I drink mass amounts & hope for the best. :)
- 17:01:29: @blackfonzie that skeptoid site is pure propaganda man
- 17:02:00: @blackfonzie oh wait, it's refuting it... I thought it was the one with the doctor claiming it was every ill on earth
- 17:04:37: @blackfonzie Well of course. It's called using your brain. Until I see some conclusive scientific evidence, I'm ok with drinking my diet dew
- 17:05:20: @blackfonzie But that said, I'm a born again Christian who says the Earth is 6000 years old. Whoever said I was consistent?
- 17:11:50: @blackfonzie I went looking for the site I thought was the one you gave me, but it appears gone. So cool. :)
- 17:16:50: Heading home. Later.
- 19:08:30: http://twitpic.com/ct9ee - Oh no! I have a virus! On my #pre? *snicker*
- 19:22:05: @karrock Yes but we have Starbuck on 24 next season. She'll be tough I'm sure. :)
- 19:25:13: @britishbulldog ANIMAL! :)
- 19:27:20: @keeponrunning I wouldn't wanna die an atheist. But that's me. ;)
- 19:33:48: Hey speaking of sci-fi babes, where's Grace Park these days?
- 19:39:28: @eveblackorwhite Overly muscular, wha? I said tough. Think Amanda from Highlander tough.
- 19:43:17: @eveblackorwhite Ah yes. But I didn't hold her up as attractive. She doest have the "naturally curly hair" that you do.
- 19:49:41: @eveblackorwhite HOLY! Hubba!
- 19:50:27: @karrock You sure you don't mean Benjamin Pratt? ;)
- 19:52:24: @eveblackorwhite Shopping @ moment... She-Starbuck=hubba. She-gladiator=not so much
- 20:14:28: OK I'm home. *NOW* I can participate.
- 20:15:02: @eveblackorwhite @djwhelan @karrack I never said I had a problem with Starbuck's physique, in fact I was saying I like her bc she's tough
- 20:15:25: @eveblackorwhite @djwhelan @karrack But I don't like her BECAUSE she's tough, that's just one part of it. So there. :)
- 20:15:41: @eveblackorwhite Wait... you like fat-Lee? :)
- 20:16:58: @keeponrunning I hope you don't consider me a spambot. I wasn't trying to offend you earlier.
- 20:18:07: @HellaSound @karrock RE: ibuprofen, from multiple sources (including the orthopedist), ibuprofen is cumulative, to get full benefits
- 20:18:23: @HellaSound @karrock you take over time and in fact it can take a few weeks for it to build up to be truly effective
- 20:18:39: @HellaSound @karrock Which is why I've been taking 2 Aleve in morning & evening the past few weeks
- 20:20:41: @eveblackorwhite hey did you watch razor yet?
- 20:22:35: @HellaSound Don't be like my friend Jim was, he never saw Babylon 5 because he didn't want to be "hooked on another tv show"
- 20:24:33: @eveblackorwhite Right! See what I mean? While it was good in general, they retconned too much in the end for me to even touch Caprica
- 20:25:22: @eveblackorwhite But wanted to tell you is Adama must have gotten acne AFTER he found the cylon hybrids (or whatever they were)
- 20:26:12: @HellaSound I'm not using ibu... the dosage I'm taking with Aleve is just under prescription strength
- 20:26:47: @HellaSound Heh yeah. There are many reasons not to be like him, but he was a great friend who was more a sci-fi geek than me
- 20:26:54: @HellaSound which is weird why he never watched B5
- 20:27:11: @hellasound At the time his big reason was it was a soap opera... then his beloved DS9 went the same direction, hysterical
- 20:27:53: @phampants Amazing? Well BRING IT ON! ;)
- 20:28:25: @HellaSound I don't watch those since I don't have any premium channels. I'm sure I would if I did, but I don't want to pay the extra $
- 20:28:39: I'm already at around $100 a mo for Dish as it is hehe
- 20:29:45: Oh check this out, ladies... my wife was all excited to show me a book when I got in from the store... The Time Traveler's Wife :-D
- 20:29:56: She said, "I REALLY WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE, and have to read the book first!"
- 20:35:20: My wife didn't buy the book though, she checked it out of the library. Maybe I should buy it for her for her birthday
- 20:35:31: Then I can read it when she's done, unlike Harry Potter which I avoid like the plague
- 20:43:00: @eveblackorwhite I'd planned on taking her to see it actually, it's all good
- 20:44:49: @eveblackorwhite Don't forget @wwwjeffmayca who comes in and out :)
- 20:49:29: @TLM26 I've had that problem before, I had to stop running or suffer the consequences
- 20:51:19: @TLM26 The bike trail I use for longer runs is out in the country and has lots of bushes & trees.
- 20:54:58: @quotidianlight Not sure what this says about me but I didn't have to google bdsm
- 20:58:16: @wwwjeffmayca See what I mean? Boobies. http://tinyurl.com/qw4546
- 20:58:30: http://tinyurl.com/qw4546@quotidianlight haw
- 20:58:35: @quotidianlight haw
- 21:00:50: OK, I deleted all data from my 305 except the past 3 months
- 21:01:20: @TLM26 yeah harder to cover it up when you're a girl I guess :)
- 21:06:27: @eveblackorwhite goodnight, evilblackorwhite
- 21:09:19: @quotidianlight Not only that, but random twitter searches either by real pervs or pr0nbots will instantly find you. Congrats.
- 21:16:10: AC Newman, "Take On Me", a simply amazing cover. ĊB; http://blip.fm/~b6pd6
- 21:16:34: @262RUNR Yup. http://www.pixelbomb.com/blog/images/2005/10/boobees.jpg
- 21:16:45: ah see, that uncovered link makes it not as funny
- 21:53:21: New post on my blog: CIM Training Week 1, Day 2: 3 miles: I thought that last Thursday was a.. http://bit.ly/nPZup
- 22:01:53: @ginaharris1 Thanks, I was quite happy with it. I haven't run this well in quite a while. :) I'm off to bed now. Gnite.
- 22:02:07: @quotidianlight yeah on a 2-run roll :) But it's nice to be able to do. Gnite.
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