- 07:45:25: RT @twinfluence: 09/16/09 http://tinyurl.com/6bgejj score for @gchance: Reach=4,528,827, Rank=#19,492 - sorry, @Oblivion ;)
- 07:52:22: Awkward moments with Facebook "likes": http://tinyurl.com/mwyg53
- 09:11:09: AccuRadio's fast & reliable on #pre, but they play single versions. Erotic City was BUTCHERED, so was Radar Love. #fail
- 09:19:20: This is hilarious and they do have a point. Top 10 White Trash Heroes of Cinema... check out #1: http://tinyurl.com/nk2egc
- 10:16:13: So what do you guys think: a walk as a first workout back? Not very high HR but it's a start.
- 10:44:37: I post my stats from the bathroom ;)
- 11:07:29: Kanye West on suicide watch? http://tinyurl.com/ko9u6m
- 12:04:38: ok I'm off on a walk
- 12:04:45: 2.5 miles, hooooo boy!
- 12:57:01: Back from my walk, ice is in force :)
- 13:03:06: Completed Regular Walk. 188 (kcal) Distance 2.40 mi. Duration 00:40:25
- 13:12:43: NICE, gave myself a blister on that simple walk. *grumble*
- 14:23:10: RT @johnmoe: Henry Gibson has died. One of my folks' favorites from Laugh-In. I remember him as the Illinois nazi in Blues Brothers.
- 14:49:17: http://www.hatelabs.com/media/kanye.htm
- 19:23:41: Unbelievable... RIP Mary Travers http://bit.ly/bsOWU
- 20:04:39: Have you seen the new Twitter page? http://bit.ly/lCKRm
- 20:47:15: Getting ready to watch Glee :-D
- 21:48:29: Hey! I can move my foot left to right! Just thought I'd say that. :)
- 21:56:08: Hey @smellycents & @TLM26: Josh Groban just said on Glee that he loves a blowsy alcoholic!
- 21:56:20: blousy i guess
- 22:02:10: Now they're investigating Garrido as a serial killer
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