The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weight Training

As I left for the gym today, I had an quick interaction that made me chuckle. It was raining, of course, and there were two smokers outside the building. As I went outside, they were putting their cigarettes out, and one of them said to me, "You are NOT going out in THIS! You'll get pneumonia!"

Smokers. They were standing still, outside, smoking. Now, I'm not one to tell them they shouldn't smoke, far from it, but... I'll get pneumonia? Being active? I understand they were assuming I was running, and I didn't correct them and say I was going to the gym. Tomorrow, though, I'll be running, in the rain, and will likely see the same smokers.

I thought it was funny. Here's today's workout.

Warmup, w/45lb bar, 3 circuits of 5
Overhead Barbell Squats
Barbell Squats
Good Mornings
Alternating Lunges
Romanian Deadlifts

Barbell Bench Press, 3x25x55lbs
Seated Cable Rows, 3x25x105lbs
Squats, 3x25x75lbs
Dumbbell Military Press, 3x25x(2x15lbs)
Lunges, 3x25x(2x15lbs)
Front Raises, 3x25x(2x5lbs)
Plank, 2 minutes

46 minutes, 337 calories burned

From Twitter 01-24-2010

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