00:43 Tears For Fears... think back... ♫ blip.fm/~6l9oc #
00:52 THE WALLS CAME DOWN! ♫ blip.fm/~6l9z0 #
02:05 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:29 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:35 New po.. tinyurl.com/p8ogbk #
05:48 Wt: 178.4, RHR: 49, BF: 18% #
08:00 Good morning folks. #
08:04 Have you guys listened to the latest Trilogy Running podcast? Because I'm quite pissed off and want to hear peoples' opinions. #
08:24 The new V update looks GREAT!!! tinyurl.com/r78ysy #
08:51 Headline on Yahoo said the Palm Pre will be sold June 6... the link is broken. Whoops. #
08:53 Found it. The Pre is $199 after $100 rebate, released June 6: tinyurl.com/q3asw5 #
09:16 Just sent my Pre upgrade-request to my boss. Now to see how much crap I have to eat before he says yes. #
09:47 RT @disneyrunner: @BoomShakkaLakka less dirtdawg, more dirty girl or kids... - Also less personal attacks on unsuspecting podcasters. #
10:04 RT @REI_CoOp: Check this guy out! Tweeting his way up Mt. Everest right now! twitter.com/gavinbate #
10:27 RT @rodmur: Rep: Patrick Swayze "Alive, Well" bit.ly/kcD41 #
10:56 Spock sings! ♫ blip.fm/~6m7jc #
11:09 Me: "Go to www.java.com." User: "Do I do the dot?" #
13:21 Crap, looks like I can't get to the gym today. I HAVE to work out at home, stairclimber, running, jumping up & down. Something. #
15:53 RT @erin337: listening to "Far From Over - Frank Stallone" ♫ blip.fm/~6my3k - I'm sorry for you. #
15:55 RT @NASA: Former NASA astronaut Scott Parazynski reached the Mt. Everest summit as of 6:15pET. tinyurl.com/pc4zfu #
18:51 Thanks to @alitherunner's brilliant idea, I'm eating Mongolian BBQ for dinner. :) #
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