- 00:39:15: I'm off, and I mean it. Goodnight all.
- 03:12:00: New post on my blog: From Twitter 10-03-2009: 22:19:59: My stitched rainbow picture: http:/.. http://bit.ly/11guyo
- 09:25:14: Wt: 175.8, RHR: 48, BF: 17.1%
- 10:05:26: Hey, how did our ladies do in Cowtown? @TLM26 @smellycents @bicoastalite
- 12:13:56: RT @bapper: Today's run: 26.2 miles! Around 3:55:00 - found it. Congrats!!!
- 17:02:37: Jerry Chamberlain just suggested I become a fan of Jerry Chamberlain. Is that a reputable source?
- 19:41:39: RT @kelownagurl: @_MikeKennedy no, Life is a Rock. Name that band WITHOUT googling. - ...but the radio rolled me. Reunion.
- 19:52:56: Tracy Ullman, "Life is a Rock (But the Radio Rolled Me)" @Kelownagurl ♫ http://blip.fm/~ecd40
- 19:55:51: Watching Stargate Universe
- 20:08:40: Stargate Atlantis is basically... The Last Starfighter???
- 22:01:38: RT @Pre101: Sign up for notification of Palm Pre Flash Player 10.1 here: http://bit.ly/3NL2B #palmpre #flash #pre
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