The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

From Twitter 09-09-2009

  • 07:46:45: I've noticed more and more, people saying "reoccurring" instead of "recurring". What's up with that?
  • 08:07:48: This one reminds me of @blackfonzie for some reason:
  • 08:48:57: We have an AT&T rep to avoid 800 #'s & auto attendants. She's out, and referred us via auto-reply to her backup. Here's what he just said:
  • 08:49:21: "Call Priority Repair at 800-332-1321. This is the best way to resolve these issues."
  • 08:49:33: So everyone? Call priority repair, all at once! Woo!
  • 08:53:50: Hah, backup AT&T rep's signature ends "***I strive to ensure you are VERY Satisfied, if you are less than, please contact me immediately***"
  • 09:04:44: I'm going to be like a celebrity and start a foundation. I call it the, "Hey, Look At Me!" foundation.
  • 09:35:20: CRAP! I missed 09:09:09 09/09/09
  • 11:01:47: Did you know laser printers use toner, not ink?
  • 11:01:56: Changing my approach, you see. :)
  • 18:26:50: At Urgent Care, tired of the swelling. Maybe it'll be like the scene in Airplane with the eggs...
  • 18:29:37: Wow, John MCain on CNN commenting on John McCain's reaction to Obama's speech. Wonderfully surreal.
  • 18:36:00: OK this isn't good... She took my BP because the top # (systemic?) was 160. Could my injury cause that?
  • 18:44:41: I'm on Urgent Care's free wifi, I should test their firewall by watching pr0n.
  • 18:47:45: The doc's sending me for an xray. Before he left his face lut up as he said. "Is that the #pre???"
  • 18:47:58: Take that, @karrack.
  • 18:50:53: I just noticed that #Twee says "View Converstation".
  • 20:18:30: I'm back. No break, more RICE, more feeling like a dumbass for going again. Should have listened to Dr. @cyktrussell.
  • 20:33:27: The Tivo just replaced channel 653 ARANG with 653 SETH. Uh, what?
  • 20:43:12: still getting used to this netbook keyboard
  • 21:03:49: Facebook is broken in Firefox.
  • 21:09:14: Did #webos 1.2 just drop? The updater's not connecting. #pre
  • 21:22:51: RT @News10_CA: Konocti Harbor Resort to Close - oh my gosh! LOTTA good memories there.
  • 22:10:12: "What's a luftbaloon?" heh

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