00:05 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:04 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:05 New po.. tinyurl.com/dmq8w7 #
06:11 Wt: 176, RHR: 55, BF: 17.3%, DWD: 7 #
08:06 Great. I finally work myself into actually wanting to go to the doctor, only to realize today's a holiday. Life really sucks. #
08:07 RT @cyberpenguin: us doctor who fans, u don't have 2 wait to watch the x-mas special on tv: tinyurl.com/bqurjr #
10:41 "I don't care if you're updating software on every computer in the company... MY VOICE MAIL DOESN'T WORK!" #
12:35 RT @ang1985bear: OMG - people are so insane ! - AMEN to that #
12:52 I, for one, appreciate knowing things like "Faraday's removing his tie in episode 10!" before anyone else. ;) #
14:11 Daniel Faraday's tie is my constant. #
15:54 Jack Bauer ain't 'fraid o' no ghosts. #
16:47 HEY, my Palm sync is now complete. It's time to get some Diet Dew and get outta Dodge. #
18:51 is at Cub Scouts with a 7-year-old who doesn't want to participate. Again. #
20:17 Finally at home, anxiously awaiting the Jack Bauer Power Hour. #
20:59 Only a few minutes until JACK, but I have to wait. Gotta let it cache to skip commercials! Jack's DVR's reality. #
21:55 HAH, I thought for sure Chloe was going to say, "I'm a PC, not a Mac." #
22:09 SID number? Jaaack, it's SSID. That's it, I can't watch 24 anymore. #
22:12 YEAH!!! Best. Surprise. Cameo. Ever. #
22:16 "She's naked out there, Jack." If only that were true. If only. #
22:42 This is hilarious. The newscaster woman from KXTV 10 DT'ed me in response to a Jack Bauer tweet. :P #
22:42 Thank you, Cristina, you made my evening. #
22:44 OK time for me to go to bed. Nite all. #
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