- 03:02:18: New post on my blog: From Twitter 12-25-2009: 03:02:33: New post on my blog: From Twitter 12-24-2009: 03:02:20: New... http://bit.ly/4yGpLp
- 09:02:28: Wt: 171.2, RHR: 48, BF: 15.5%
- 09:36:32: My 7yo son's jaded, on an Ultraman monster being scary: "Not to me. He just looks like a dinosaur." At least he didn't say "guy in a suit"
- 09:37:48: "That looks fake" he said.
- 09:41:08: "That looks pretend. That should be like a bomb."
- 10:21:37: 4 minute workout? This place is down the street from my MIL's house. Good luck with that. :P http://www.quickgymusa.com/
- 18:03:07: I'm at Walmart (1131 North Beale Rd., Marysville). http://4sq.com/8Sezha
- 18:55:09: I just became the mayor of Food Maxx on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/4OwnMP
- 18:55:10: I'm at Food Maxx (6000 Lindhurst Ave., Marysville). http://4sq.com/4OwnMP
- 20:30:50: Watching Doctor Who: The End of Time Part 1. @phampants watch out. :)
- 23:57:25: New post on my blog: test: http://bit.ly/4AWhkA
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