- 03:15:35: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09-13-2009: 03:15:19: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09.. http://bit.ly/3wJDyE
- 03:49:25: Wt: 181.6, RHR: 52, BF: 18.7% fat SOB
- 07:44:23: RT @clowchan: "@BillCorbett Here you go: Hitler Finds Out Kanye West Disses Taylor Swift http://tinyurl.com/lq92wt" - didn't take long
- 07:55:21: By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed My Name Is Bruce. Totally and completely.
- 08:52:38: Care for some chess? http://bit.ly/rsufa
- 14:50:01: Oh dear GOD!!! The sales guy needs me to type into a cell for him!
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