The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

00:05 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:05 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:05 New po.. #

06:12 Wt: 174.4, RHR: 56, BF: 17.4%, DWD: 2 #

11:26 RT @CristinaNews10: the sun is out...Ted Nugent and I are heading out for a run #

12:04 Torture: running while the ice cream man is driving by with his music going. #

13:04 Gettin' mah aahhss to mahhs. (going to the gym) #

20:56 What did I say? My wife's planned out my Saturday again. #

21:20 Reading about foam roller usage, foiled once again by a wife who not only wants to watch something else, but who will go to bed without Lost #

22:40 Done watching Lost. CaRAYYYzy! Who would have thought Ben was gay? #

23:30 Completed Weight Workout. 271 (kcal). 00:39:03 #

23:35 New post on my blog: Weight Workout: Back in the gym today. I didn't feel like it went as we.. #

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Weight Workout

Back in the gym today. I didn't feel like it went as well as it could have, but I did burn a good amount of calories. Still working on getting it all back, I suppose. I'm also struggling with blogging it all once again. It's getting there, day by day.

Warmup, 30 secs ea, 3 circuits
* Jumping Jacks
* Split Jacks
* Squats
* Alternating Lunges
* Mountain Climbers

Workout, supersets of 2
* Dumbbell Squat, 2x20x25lbs
* Swiss-ball Reverse Hyperextension, 2x20
* Pushup, 2x20
* Underhand-grip Inverted Row, 2x10
* Neutral-grip Shoulder Press, 2x20x20lbs
* Incline Reverse Crunch, 2x20
* Dumbbell Curl, 2x20x15lbs
* Triceps Kickback, 2x20x15lbs

Tomorrow's an 8-mile tempo run. The problem I'm anticipating is just being able to get out there. Normally I do my midweek runs at lunch, but I can't do 8 miles in an hour! Hopefully my boss won't notice the extended lunch.