The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Friday, January 22, 2010

Weight Training

Today's workout went great. I talked to the owner of the gym about switching accounts from my wife's checking to mine, and even though I've rarely spoken to him, he remembered my name. Now, I realize he probably sees my name pop up every time I check into the front door with my access card, but it was a nice touch. I doubt they'd be that way at 24 Hour Fitness, to be sure.

Warmup, w/45lb barbell
Overhead Squats
Good Mornings
Alternating Lunges
Romanian Deadlifts

Barbell Bench Press, 3x20x55lbs
Seated Cable Rows, 3x20x105lbs
Squats, 3x20x75lbs
Dumbbell Military Press, 3x20x(2x15lbs)
Lunges, 3x20x(2x15lbs)
Front Raises, 3x20x(2x5lbs)
Plank, 2 minutes

41:30, 273 calories

Tomorrow's an 11-mile long run, and I plan to meet halfway with Tony Bevis, who I ran the 5k last weekend with. It'll be fun.

Thursday's Six Miler

Thursday's run was supposed to be a tempo run, but given how my leg's been feeling as of late, I ended up running slower. That's ok though, we're still early on in training, and without running slower I'd likely not be running at all.

Sorry so brief, I'm working on it.

From Twitter 01-21-2010

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