- 03:01:16: New post on my blog: From Twitter 04-03-2011: 03:01:10: New post on my blog: From Twitter 04-02-2011: 03:01:18: ... http://bit.ly/dO7XU1
- 05:06:16: I am listening to The Mike O'meara Show http://bit.ly/feJCM4 @GetGlue #TheMikeOmearaShow
- 05:11:59: Body Pump! (@ Yuba-Sutter Training Zone (formerly Pro Fitness)) http://4sq.com/geloX9
- 05:30:07: Body Pump #77 in progress... http://bit.ly/gmuYIB @GetGlue #BodyPump
- 06:15:59: I'm at ARCO ampm (707 E St., Marysville) http://4sq.com/ftGbQ8
- 07:02:54: We haz to go bak! http://bit.ly/gQeeyI @GetGlue #TelevisionZombies
- 14:11:50: First outdoor run in 6 weeks... (@ American River Bike Trail (Sunrise Blvd. Trailhead)) http://4sq.com/eRZthQ
- 14:13:02: Running music, of course! http://bit.ly/hRMTOy @GetGlue #Rush
- 14:15:38: Testing GetGlue with Foursquare http://bit.ly/hRMTOy @GetGlue #Rush
- 15:55:23: RT @mominreallife: FACT- @charliesheen came to Chicago to get #winning lessons from @phampants. Give our Chitown buddy a THUMBS UP! http ...
- 17:02:15: What's that smell? http://bit.ly/feJCM4 @GetGlue #TheMikeOmearaShow
- 17:23:36: I'm at Hazel & Greenback (6201-6243 Hazel Ave, Sacramento) http://4sq.com/dJmSwM
- 17:50:41: I'm at Chevron http://4sq.com/fYzF1U
- 19:48:23: That night, my daddy came in all pale and weak; said a woman up the block just gave birth to a geek. #fb
- 19:49:31: Mom said, "Sell it to the circus, what the heck." Dad said, "Nope, this one's a pencil neck."
- 19:49:52: "And if there's one thing worse than a sideshow freak... it's a grit-eatin', scum-suckin', pencil neck geek."
- 20:06:27: My 6-year-old's latest description: "I'm in pain." She got bit by a mosquito and has told us she's in pain 3 or 4 times the past 2 hours.
- 20:36:31: Don't kiss Leoben, he's a Cylon! ;) http://bit.ly/h3wmce @GetGlue #TheKilling
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