06:18 Wt: 165.6, RHR: 50 #
08:53 Nasty! Janitor's not here and nobody's cleaned the microwave, it's caked with food that doesn't smell all that great. #
09:22 Actual support call: "Solitaire's not on my computer, could you install it for me?" #
09:51 Oh my God, I just called Okidata for Citizen printer support, and didn't realize the mistake until he told me he'd never heard of the model. #
09:57 "Could you tell me what it says on the LCD?" "On the what?" #
10:50 SOLITAIRE MAN just came back to me asking why I haven't showed him solitaire yet!!! Where's my bat? #
10:52 Hey I know, maybe I should buy him a Neil Diamond CD. No wait, that's Solitary Man. hah, silly me. #
11:28 Shatner's "Has Been" is a fabulous album. Don't let anyone tell you different. #
12:45 Getting ready to go to the gym. As someone wiser than I once put it, "Getting ready to get ready." #
13:07 Alright, NOW I'm going to the gym. :) #
14:34 Back from the gym. The owners decided to flip/flop the yoga/boxing/cardio room so it's like Bizarro World in there. #
14:48 GNC strawberry flavored protein powder reminds me of the soap-eating scene of A Christmas Story. #
15:33 New Flickr upload: bareyb: LIVE!: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: TCF folks, look what I found.. tinyurl.com/8zk8y9 #
17:00 Heading home. #
18:49 Visiting my momma on hers @ my dad's anniversary. He passed away in 1989. It would've been their 40th. #
20:01 Wonder if I should do a tempo run before tomorrow morning's hike? #
21:44 Woo! Waffles! #
22:42 Still not 10 PST. Not gonna make it. I'm old. #
00:52 I definitely made it, but more importantly, so did my 6yo son! Amazing, that kid. #
00:53 Finished packing for the first hiking trip of the year, this will be the 3rd annual New Years Day Feather Falls hike for me. #
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