05:47 Wt: 175, RHR: 54, BF: 17.6%, DWD: 1 #
10:20 Setting up email on the company owner's laptop. #
11:52 I'm nicknaming my gym "Mars". That way I can use this clip to get out the door. tinyurl.com/d7wgpv #
13:33 RT @DarkUFO: Spoilers - Fionnula Flanagan Interview bit.ly/fPK1d #
13:36 Back from the gym, got my free Quizno's sub. I'm happy. :) #
14:56 MapMyFitness.com: Completed Weight Workout. 283 (kcal). 00:39:12 #
15:07 Mason Williams, "Classical Gas". CLASSIC, I say! ♫ blip.fm/~2gkz7 #
21:41 Trying out DestroyTwitter, and so far it's pretty good. Not sure if it's as good as people hype it to be though. #
21:46 Andy Richter as announcer on The Tonight Show w/Conan O'Brien! Nice! #
23:30 My Twitteristics: Tweets 22X as much as the Twitter founders(55/day), Very Engaging(79%), Linker(9%)! mrtweet.net/gchance?t #
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