00:49 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:48 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 00:22 twitpi.. tinyurl.com/nknzqc #
05:39 Wt: 178, RHR: 48, BF: 17.7% :( #
06:27 Morning Diet Dew time! tinyurl.com/klysg4 #
11:00 RT @DarkUFO: Bolivian TV falls for Air France crash hoax - Uses Oceanic Footage bit.ly/3AeMEg - haha! #
11:30 RT @shwood: Unbelievable! Doing 70 mph on I-90 and noticed the bus next to us had wifi...which we're stealing to write this! #
12:05 twitpic.com/84ddo - My Pre's factory self-test image. Nothing exciting unfortunately. #
12:06 RT @gchance: twitpic.com/84ddo - My #Pre's factory self-test image. Nothing exciting unfortunately. #
12:49 New Flickr upload: mftcamera_20090530_164720: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: Test image taken.. tinyurl.com/mgwsk4 #
12:59 Off to the gym! #
15:49 MapMyFitness.com: Completed Circuit Training. 270 (kcal). 00:29:18 #
17:53 New Flickr upload: Mmm.: Gregoriopolis posted a photo: tinyurl.com/lux3aq #
19:28 #pre Do a Google search for winmail.dat, the "fix" is to ask the sender to use either plain text or HTML for messages #
20:13 This just isn't fair! I'm seeing old Lost promos while catching up with Brothers & Sisters! I got excited for nothing! #
21:24 RT @PreThinking: Flash 10 Mobile Beta coming to the Palm Pre this October bit.ly/6Hrbv WOO HOO! take that, #iphone! #
21:40 OK, time to work the stairclimber. #
23:07 MapMyFitness.com: Completed Stairclimber. 524 (kcal). 00:45:00 #
23:12 Thanks to Youtube and the #Palm #Pre, I watched Without Limits while on the stairclimber this evening! #
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