- 03:17:48: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09-02-2009: 03:16:23: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09.. http://bit.ly/1cIPpJ
- 05:56:26: Wt: 177, RHR: 49, BF: 17.9%
- 08:03:09: RT @eddieizzard: 32nd marathon. If using iPhones in rain, try Clingfilm (I think it's called surranwrap in the USA) http://twitpic.com/gbagl
- 08:24:39: Last night I was watching my marathon videos on Youtube just before bed
- 08:25:00: I had dreams of being at Mile 20 COMPLETELY fresh as if I'd just started. I was happy, kicking pinecones and singing hehehehe
- 08:49:48: Nice, PreFarts is now called GassPasser #pre
- 08:55:05: New Beavis & Butt-Head commenting on the new film, Extract. Thanks, Mike Judge! http://tinyurl.com/no9ewl
- 10:09:05: RT @ChristFinnegan: A 'factoid' is basically just a 'fact' no one gives a shit about. (Incidentally, that statement was, itself, a factoid.)
- 10:48:33: Reading the first Tivocommunity thread about Lost, dated 9-22-04. :-D
- 10:53:51: Wow, I have the original IE6 installer sitting in my download directory, dated 10-23-01 :)
- 10:57:14: "After that miniseries with the talking dinosaurs in the socialist utopia with no guns...,"
- 10:57:21: "... I think ABC would avoid plane crashes on island with dinosaurs in another dimension thing." Interesting. :)
- 11:19:38: RT @GLEEonFOX: Don't miss the GLEE Tweet-peat with live tweets from the cast, FRI at 9pm ET/PT only on FOX!
- 11:41:53: For @blackfonzie: A Very Perry Christmas http://bit.ly/LkYMX
- 12:06:02: RT @trainman74: Set your DVR: on Monday, Jeopardy! rerunning 1st episode of current version w/Alex Trebek, from 9/10/84. - sweet!
- 14:24:34: Neener, neener, Def Leppard tonight, nanny nanny boo boo.
- 18:41:37: No Cheap Trick for me tonight! My cousin won't be at my house until at least another 15 or 20 minutes, the show starts in 15. CT is first.
- 18:43:55: Hey look, Limewire's installed on the computer. My wife says she didn't do it. Uhhhh...
- 18:48:55: One other sucky thing, I'm going to have to exchange the netbook. Stuck mousebutton after 2 days. Wiping the system didn't help.
- 19:30:24: In traffic to see def leppard, at least we're moving.
- 20:03:18: $20 for a Def Leppard thong. Anyone?
- 20:23:34: Huh. Poison sucks.
- 20:24:16: Bret Michaels sure says "CCO a lot. :P
- 20:24:29: CC even.
- 20:26:23: Is there a reason CC's covering Eddie Van Halen's SOLO?
- 20:29:11: http://twitpic.com/ge4s0 - Def Leppard thong. :)
- 20:39:14: http://twitpic.com/ge5qx - World's worst picture of Poison
- 22:39:04: http://twitpic.com/gehao - World's worst pic of Def Leppard
- 23:56:16: Alright I'm home, hope I didn't annoy too many ppl with my Poison hatred.
- 23:57:01: But seriously, usually when you see a band that you like one or two of their songs, the concert makes you like them more. I like Poison less
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