The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

From Twitter 09-08-2009

  • 03:14:21: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09-07-2009: 03:14:42: New post on my blog: From Twitter 09..
  • 05:58:35: Wt: 180.4, RHR: 52, BF: 18.2%
  • 07:48:52: Still in traffic, it's backed up to Del Paso. Frack!!!
  • 08:49:04: FINALLY at work. Holy crap it took almost an hour to get from Del Paso Blvd. to the 50/80 interchange. 50 was smooth sailing.
  • 08:49:22: I'm thinking it's the Bay Bridge thing, but who knows. That's a long way away.
  • 08:55:07: RT @biggestlosernbc: Make Biggest Loser part of your #weeklyfitnesschallenge every Tuesday, beginning Sept 15th! - it's back! finally!
  • 09:44:12: Coverdale/Page, "Pride And Joy" ♫
  • 09:48:15: just told me Wesley Willis is on tour. Even in death, Wesley Will is tours!
  • 10:33:26: - Ankle/foot update: still swollen & painful...
  • 12:14:31: Some people shouldn't be allowed to use anything electronic. Period.
  • 12:36:42: or #1024
  • 12:38:10: Bib #37337
  • 15:12:41: "I need an email from 5-1-05 to 8-23-05." "Any search parameters?" "No, just all emails."
  • 15:22:49: Why is Twitter/Tweetdeck sending me Equifax certificates?
  • 16:21:26: I used to work in a rubber factory, and all day long, we'd just sit around and make whoopie cushions. #makewhoopie
  • 16:55:30: "Boy, your foot sure is swollen." - my boss
  • 16:55:48: Yeah, you think? That's what I said when he asked me why I was wearing sandals today.
  • 17:02:02: RT @CristinaNews10: bone found near Phillip Garrido's home is human...further analysis is being done to develop a DNA profile.
  • 21:37:47: Where's @eveblackorwhite? She's never here.
  • 22:19:50: I just smacked the cat with my elbow. Whoops. :)

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