- 03:02:55: New post on my blog: From Twitter 12-16-2010: 03:01:41: New post on my blog: From Twitter 12-15-2010: 05:44:09: ... http://bit.ly/hKzAsy
- 07:27:19: Wt: 172.2, RHR: 48, BF: 16.1% #myhealthstats #fb
- 13:34:33: Girl at Christmas potluck in breakroom: "Ever notice how skinny people eat ALL DAY LONG?"
- 17:47:24: FRACK. It looks like I won't get to meet Huey Lewis. :(
- 19:19:28: Feel the power of love... (@ Borders Books & Music) http://4sq.com/e1KuXb
- 20:15:40: Huey Lewis! Does this make me a member of The News? http://twitpic.com/3gxxld
- 22:40:41: I may not be running at the moment, but I am walkin'... on a thin line. <rimshot> http://bit.ly/gRbvg3
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