The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Today's Tweets

00:09 New post on my blog: Today's Tweets: 16:07 New Flickr upload: Avenue of Giants Marathon Star.. #

05:51 Wt: 177, RHR: 51, BF: 17.5%, DWD: 0 #

10:40 Not liking the new TweetDeck icon AT ALL. #

10:52 test tweet #

14:04 May I just say how cool it is that pirates actually exist in 2009? #

17:15 Completed Elliptical Trainer. 309 (kcal). 00:34:00 #

23:33 Too bad Notting Hillbillies didn't have more than one album. ♫ #

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