The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 miles

I've been trying to keep the Hal Higdon schedule leading up to the start of training, even though I'm not keeping the same mileage. Today was 5 miles.

I purposely kept a slower pace than yesterday in an attempt not to overdo it and find myself in pain, and it seems to be working.

Mile 1: 9:17
Mile 2: 9:35
Mile 3: 10:11
Mile 4: 10:33
Mile 5: 11:37

51:15, 10:14/mi, 777 calories burned

Here's something neat. The last mile would have looked a lot more like Mile 4 if it hadn't been for a guy on a bike who stopped me. I've waved and said a few words to him in the past, he seems to ride at the same time as my lunchtime runs. An older gentleman, in his 70s, he was wondering where I'd been. I told him about my injuries, and the fact that for a while I was running at night rather than at lunch.

Anyway, he told me he'd seen me about a half hour ago, and recognized me because of the way I run. The way I run? So does this mean he recognized the guy running like a dork and knew it was me?

I walked the last half mile or so back to work as a cooldown, and once back did 15 minutes of stretching and the foam roller on both IT bands.

Looking forward to highlighting workouts next week. :)

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