The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CIM Training Week 2, Day 3: Intervals

Hal Higdon's Intermediate I training plan doesn't say to do intervals at all, other than to say that Wednesdays are "hard" days. I decided to take the Day 1 intervals from the FIRST plan I used last time around, and put it into Hal Higdon's plan as my Wednesday runs.

On hot days I always try to run around 10:30am, and not much later. I'd love to run earlier, but with starting work at 7:30, taking lunch much earlier really doesn't work well. Today, I had just changed into my workout clothes when I got an email from my job, telling me something needed to be done by the owner of the company ASAP.

I've learned from experience that if I take lunch, even if it's under an hour, and there's an "ASAP" task out there waiting, it doesn't go over very well. At 10:30, it was 75 degrees. Two hours later, when I finished the task, it was 92. By the end of my run, 45 minutes later, it was 95 degrees.

13 minute warmup, 6 x (1 min fast, 2 min slow), 13 minute cooldown

1: 7:29/mi
2: 7:54/mi
3: 7:43/mi
4: 7:37/mi
5: 7:52/mi
6: 7:48/mi

The upside is that I burned 605 calories in 4 miles, which is pretty cool. I walked the last quarter mile back to work.

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