The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Oh man did this workout kick my butt today! It was a cumulative effect on my arms, the pushups to pseudo-pullups, to shoulder press, to curls. I'm having trouble typing right now. But that's supposed to be good, right?

Warmup, 30 seconds of each in a circuit, 3 sets
* Jumping jack
* Split jack
* Prisoner squat
* Alternating lunge
* Mountain climber

Workout, supersets
* Dumbbell Squat, 30lb dumbbells, 2 sets of 20
* Swiss-ball Reverse Hyperextension, 2 sets of 20
* Pushup, 2 sets of 20
* Underhand-grip Inverted Row, 1 set of 15, 1 set of 7
* Neutral-grip Shoulder Press, 35lb dumbbells, 2 sets of 15
* Inline Reverse Crunch, 2 sets of 20
* Dumbbell Curl, 20lb dumbbells, 2 sets of 20
* Triceps Kickback, 20lb dumbbells, 2 sets of 20

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