The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Friday, June 01, 2007

I must be getting better, the bronchial congestion has set in. That also means my workouts are becoming harder, simply because it's harder to breathe. They say that exercise can actually make your asthma feel better, so I'm toughing it out. Today's punishm... I mean workout:

Warmup, 30 seconds of each in a circuit, 3 sets
* Jumping jack
* Split jack
* Prisoner squat
* Alternating lunge
* Mountain climber

Workout, alternating sets
* Deadlift, 115lbs, 5 sets of 7
* Single leg swiss ball hip extension, 5 sets of 8
* Close grip bench press, 105lbs, 2 sets of 7
* Hammer curl, 25lb dumbbells, 3 sets of 8

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