The Chances

How a 250+ Pound Couch Potato Got Healthy

Monday, June 04, 2007

That's it, back to the grindstone...

Warmup, 3 sets of 5 w/45lb bar
* Overhead squat
* Squat
* Good morning
* Lunge
* Romanian deadlift
* Bent-over row

Workout, alternate sets
* Bench press, 105lbs, 4 sets of 5
* Single-arm dumbbell row, 50lb dumbbell, 4 sets of 6
* External rotation, 20lb dumbbell, 4 sets of 5
* Swiss ball crunch, 4 sets of 5

I was just commenting to another guy in the workout room about how gains in workouts happen so quickly. A few weeks ago I couldn't do a rotation with 20lb dumbbells, I had to use 10's. The same week I was only bench pressing 85lbs. I'm also doing chin-ups now when I couldn't do any. It's not like 3 chin-ups are going to break any records except for the fact that it breaks my record.

My record, back in the 8th Grade, when I was never able to win any Presidential Physical Fitness awards, simply because I couldn't do enough chin-ups. At 37 years old, you would think I wouldn't care anymore, but I do. So now I can do more chin-ups than my 13-year-old self could. I wonder what he would think.

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